Author Archive: tyocham01
Spring Wins!!!
Spring 32, Tobin 17… Spring officially wins… Well I’ve given up on astronomy for now. I’ll come back to it when the weather stabilizes. It’s a shame mostly because I wasn’t ready to give up on Jupiter. By the time…
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2014 Harvest Photos
Just a quick follow up post to add my 2014 Harvest Photo’s. there’s not many, but should give you a good idea. – Tobin
My Threshing Machine
Some of you who know me, probably also know that my Father is a wheat farmer, and thus know that I spent the majority of my childhood working on the farm during the summers. Those memories are cherished, and will…
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To Build a Dob
So seeing that I solved my Konus issue by buying a new OTA that will be installed on the motorized EQ5 mount, I decided that the Konus scope needed a mount. I mean, even though it’s pretty crappy with the…
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Konus and Me!
Forward: While my 130mm scope had been working well, I somehow managed to catch aperture fever. I found this scope on craigslist, did my due diligence, and determined that it was a great deal if all the parts worked. I…
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Welcome to my Blog!
As you will find out, almost immediately I’m sure, I’m not much of a writer. I can type like the wind, but getting the words to “mean” something coherent isn’t something I’m good at. Still, I will try. I do…
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